
  • Scientific Name: Chelidonium Rhizme 100mg.+ Curcumin ext. 600mg.+ Curcumin oil 10mg. hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant
  • Dosage: 100mg
  • Type: Capsule
  • Price: 28.8 EGP

    Medicine Description

    Properties and actions: Heparsan has an antioxidant activity as it contains curcumin which protects the liver against exogenous toxins. Curcumin also proved, in studies, to suppress hepatic stellate cells and decrease fibrosis which may delay fibrosis in chronic liver diseases. It has an anti-inflammatory activity due to isoquinoline alkaloids in chelidonium- its curcumin content inhibits prostaglandins while the volatile oils suppress acute edema by inhibition of hyaluronidase enzyme. Heparsan has a choleretic effect, which stimulates production of bile and pancreatic digestive enzymes that improves dyspepsia. It also has a cholecystokinetic effect. The alkaloids in chelidonium and curcumin in curcuma relieve the spasm and stimulate the under-active gallbladder, that help in biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, and gallstones. Indications: -Liver support in chronic liver diseases -Biliary dysfunction (gallstones, cholecys titis, biliary dyskinesia) -Dyspepsia and indigestion.
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine